Live our Master, Teacher and Rebbe, the King Moshiach Forever and Ever  ~  יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד

Learn About Moshiach

Moshiach lit. “annointed” is the Jewish King who restored the Davidic Monarchy in modern time guiding the world to a new era devoid of hatred or strife, when there will be no more disease to be cured and world hunger will end. All nations will live in peace and harmony, with abundant blessings and revealed good.

The world is rapidly changing for the good, be a bystander or a world changer – you choose!

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, King Moshiach

With our efforts, we can create a better world.

An Advanced World

A world of incredible technological advancements, medical breakthroughs, and scientific exploration, with no inequality or harm to the environment


A Good World

A world of peace, without bullying or animosity. A world where we relate to each other with genuine respect, kindness and empathy.


A Divine World

A world where the underlying Divine unity that pervades all of creation is revealed, inspiring a spiritual awakening, guiding humanity, filling hearts with love and compassion.


Moshiach is Now

Moshiach, originally referred to as the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita, publicized that we have already entered the messianic era; adding in goodness and kindness further progresses Moshiach’s goal, to make the world a perfect place. By learning the Moshiach’s teachings, we empower ourselves to make it happen!

We Can’t Do This Without Your Effort

The times of Moshiach are ready to be revealed. Every good deed adds light to the world, until the entire world will be filled with goodness and peace.

We need everyone to take part in doing additional acts of goodness and kindness.

With each of our efforts, we will reveal a better world – the times of Moshiach!

The World is Ready

Moshiach is not a faraway dream. It’s almost here!


It’s Real

Moshiach is not a virtual reality concept. It’s happening for real. Cynic says, “Na, I don’t believe in that stuff.” But hey, this is no time to get stuck in theology. Something big is happening. That’s a fact you either know or you don’t know. But now you know. And that’s a good thing. Because the world as we know it is about to change… for good.

It’s Near

The world today is in much better shape than it ever was. Socially, medically, financially and politically. Cynic says, “Last I checked, all I saw in the world was chaos!” But hey, the good stuff doesn’t make it to the news. Fact is, even cynic would rather live today than 100 years ago. It’s just a teaser for a much brighter future that’s unfolding.

Take Part!

So, stand by and watch. Or do something to help speed up the process. Let there be no more fighting, no more getting stuck-in-the-mud, no more hurting. Let there be more kindness, more goodness, more being there for each other. More awareness of G-d, more meaning, more joy. Bring it on!

Accept Moshiach As Our Leader

Accept upon yourself Moshiach’s sovereignty by proclaiming:

Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu Vrabeinu Melech Hamoshiach Lolam Voed

Live our Master, Teacher and Rebbe, the King Moshiach Forever and Ever!

Quick Moshiach 101

The Identity of Moshiach

Moshiach (משיח) is the prophesied Jewish leader who will initiate the Messianic Age. He is a descendant of King David, endowed with profound Torah knowledge and just leadership.

Moshiach is a human leader from the lineage of King David, specifically through Solomon. He possess exceptional wisdom, surpassing that of previous prophets except Moses, and is guiding the Jewish people in the observance of Torah and commandments. Moshiach’s role includes restoring Jewish sovereignty, rebuilding the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and leading the world into an era of peace and spiritual enlightenment.

The Purpose of Moshiach

Moshiach’s mission is to bring about world redemption by establishing peace, rebuilding the Holy Temple, and spreading the knowledge of G‑d universally.

The primary objective of Moshiach is to usher in the Messianic Age, characterized by universal peace and the recognition of G‑d. Under his leadership, conflicts will cease, and nations will coexist harmoniously. The Holy Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt, symbolizing the restoration of Jewish worship and sovereignty. Additionally, Moshiach will facilitate the ingathering of Jewish exiles from around the world and oversee the resurrection of the dead. This era will see the widespread acceptance of Torah values, leading to moral and spiritual elevation for all humanity.

Our Role in Redemption

We contribute to the Messianic Age by studying Torah, performing mitzvot, and engaging in acts of kindness, thereby refining the world and hastening redemption.

Human actions play a crucial role in bringing about the Messianic Age. Engaging in Torah study and adhering to mitzvot (commandments) prepare individuals and the world for redemption. Acts of kindness and charity foster a just and compassionate society, while repentance purifies the spirit. Elevating the physical world through holy actions transforms everyday life into spiritual service. By maintaining anticipation for Moshiach’s arrival, individuals continuously work towards creating the necessary conditions for the Messianic Age, ensuring a harmonious and spiritually fulfilled world.

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About Us

Moshiach Awareness Campaign is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting global redemption through education, inspiration, and acts of kindness. Founded with the vision of making Moshiach teachings accessible and relevant to contemporary life, we strive to empower individuals to perfect the world through daily acts of goodness.

Registered charity as Yofutzu Chabad Inc.